Jumpstart your Home Hygge
I can be the queen of finding new undertakings overwhelming. For those of you similar to me, let's take bringing hygge into your life one step at a time. These five ways to get things feeling hygge at home can help you see how possible this journey is, and give you the excitement to keep the process going.
1. Bring in the candles
Setting the hygge ambiance doesn't have to be reserved for special occasions. Life is the occasion! Classic hygge candles will be unscented and organic. Of course, we all might not be able to find or afford that so pick up whatever works for you. I've found buying simple, unscented candles in bulk online helps keep the price down so I can set the tone more often.
2. Create a nook
Arrange an inviting corner of your home where you can't wait to snuggle up in a blanket and pick up a book. Comfy space is key! Might I suggest a comfy chair, a soft blanket, some cushions and soft lighting?
3. Bring in nature
Being in and around nature is good for the soul. That's why Danes love to have materials and textures from nature throughout their homes. How can you do this too? Place flowers, twigs, succulents, cacti, humane animal hides and furs, stones, or shells around the house. I like to integrate unique pebbles, knotted twigs, and blooming succulents into the coffee table, dining room, and window sill decor.
4. Stock up on your favorite treats
Yass honey - I love this tip. Lucky for all of us, indulging is an important part of hygge. As humans, being able to feel like we're treating ourselves keeps us sane. Have your favorite indulgences on hand so you're always prepared for a lovely hygge moment. Some good ones are chocolate, tea, cheese, candies, red wine, or a nice whiskey. Plus what if you have an unexpected guest?!
5. Declutter
One of the best things I've done in my home is started to declutter. Decluttering not only removes items from your life causing stress, it helps emphasize the items in your home that make you happy. Challenge yourself every month to purge the clutter! As an extra feel good, donate what you are getting rid to those who need it. Win-win.
I hope you enjoy these tips and would love to see how your home has hygge after trying these out!